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张瑞    博士

2023-03-21 18:34  




E-Mail: rzhang_838@163.com; rzhang@jou.edu.cn










2021年9月-今,江苏省地质学会海洋地质学专业委员会委员;国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家;《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《EnvironmentalPollution》等国际著名学术期刊的通讯审稿人。







1.Wenlong Pei, Jiayue Wang, Xinling Wang,Rui Zhang*, Tiegang Li*, Fan Zhang, Xiaoxiao Yu, Zhiyong Liu, Minglei Guan, Qi Han. Marine osmium-uranium-sulfur isotope evidence for the interaction of volcanism and ocean anoxia during the Middle Pleistocene in the tropical Western Pacific. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 611, 111360.

2.Yipeng Wang, Wenlong Pei, Jialei Yang, Yujin Fan,Rui Zhang*, Tiegang Li*, James Russell, Fan Zhang, Xiaoxiao Yu Junjie Hu, Yuehuo Song, Zhiyong Liu, Minglei Guan, Qi Han. The relationship between volcanism and global climate changes in the Tropical Western Pacific over the mid-Pleistocene transition: Evidence from mercury concentration and isotopic composition.Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 823, 153482.

3.Yipeng Wang, Jialei Yang, Guichen Wang, Yinyi Zhang,Rui Zhang*, Tiegang Li*, James Russell, Jiayue Wang, Xinling Wang, Fan Zhang, Yuehua Song, Xiaoxiao Yu, Junjie Hu, Zhiyong Liu, Minglei Guan, Qi Han. Source Identification of brGDGTs in the Surface Sediments of the East China Sea.Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 9, 796539.

4.Yipeng Wang,Rui Zhang*, Yuehua Song, Fan Zhang, Junjie Hu, Tiegang Li*, James Russell, Xiaoxiao Yu, Jialei Yang, Zhiyong Liu, Yu Li, Minglei Guan, Qi Han, Guihong Li. Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and black carbon at the western coastal areas of the Yellow Sea based on isotopic signatures.Ecological Indicators, 2021, 127, 107725.

5.Yipeng Wang, Tiegang Li*,Rui Zhang*, James Russell, Xin Xiao, Yaxin Cheng, Fan Zhang*, Zhiyong Liu, Minglei Guan, Qi Han. Fingerprinting characterization of sedimentary PAHs and black carbon in the East China Sea using carbon and hydrogen isotopes.Environmental Pollution, 2020, 267, 115415.

6.Rui Zhang*, Tiegang Li*, James Russell, Fan Zhang, XinXiao, Yaxin Cheng, Zhiyong Liu, Minglei Guan, Qi Han. Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in continental shelf of the East China Sea with dual compound-specific isotopes (δ13C andδ2H).Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 704, 135459

7.Rui Zhang*, Ruirui Wang, Zhiyong Liu*, Fan Zhang, Tiegang Li*, Minglei Guan, Qi Han. Distribution and transport of plutonium in the sediments of the Yangtze River estuary and the adjacent East China Sea.Applied Geochemistry,2020. 115, 104532.

8.Cheng Yaxin,Zhang Rui*, Li Tiegang*, James Russell, Zhang Fan, Guan Minglei, Han Qi, Zhou Yurou, Xiao Xin, Wang Xiqi. Spatial distributions and sources of heavy metals in sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent coastal areas based on mercury, lead and strontium isotopic compositions.Catena, 2019, 174, 154-163.

9.Zhang Rui*, Li Tiegang*, James Russell, Zhou Yurou, Zhang Fan, Liu Zhiyong, Guan Minglei, Han Qi. High-resolution reconstruction of historical flood events in the Changjiang River catchment based on geochemical and biomarker records.Chemical Geology, 2018, 499, 58-70.

10.Zhang Rui*, James Russell, Xiao Xin, Zhang Fan, Li Tiegang*, Liu Zhiyong, Guan Minglei, Han Qi, Shen Liya, Shu Yujie. Historical records, distributions and sources of mercury and zinc in sediments of East China Sea: Implication from stable isotopic compositions.Chemosphere, 2018, 205, 698-708.

11.Zhang Rui, Zhang Fan, Guan Minglei, Shu Yujie, Li Tiegang*. Sources and chronology of combustion-derived pollution to Shilianghe Reservoir, eastern China: Evidences from PAHs profiles, As, Hg, Pb and Pb isotopes.Catena, 2017, 149: 232-240.

12.Zhang Rui*, Zhang Fan, Zhang Tiancheng. Sedimentary records of PAHs in a sediment core from tidal flat of Haizhou Bay, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 450-451: 280-288.



2.连云港市自然科学二等奖:Sedimentary records of PAHs in a sediment core from tidal flat of Haizhou Bay, China(2016,1/3)


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